Glucose was 140 high calcium levels and high protein


Is there a correlation of high glucose level of 140, high calcium and high protein in fasting blood test

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Hi,

    I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concerns.

    To understand why you’re having high calcium, high protein and high blood sugar levels more than 140 mg/dL, we should focus on your health status:
    – age: 63 years old
    – high blood pressure meds (please mention them)
    – thyroid problems
    – any calcium/vit. D supplement?

    The primary cause to your metabolic issues is the thyroid problems. Thyroid is responsible for the well functioning of body metabolism. When its function is altered, then, imbalance of blood sugar, calcium and protein levels will be present.
    Please send the reports of your lab tests so I can analyze them further for a more personalized opinion.
    We should evaluate all of them first.

    Thank you.

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