Frostbite blister, infection?


i had frostbite or something, i guess. my toes swell and at one of the toes there was this bubble of water. It popped like 3 or 4 days ago
but the skin around was dead. now i mean if i push it it still hurts a little. however. i fucked up and i completely ripped it off, and underneath there was no blood, but the skin is really dark red. what to do? Are there home remedies?

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Hello,

    It could be great if you can send a photo of the affected toe, so I can see the changes there myself. Can you please send a photo? You can attach when it says “Attachment”.

    I need to verify if it is infected or not. In case of infection, should start prescription meds.

    As per home remedies, if you’ve been exposed to cold temperature, then, rewarming the feet will help.

    Plus, should:

    bath your feet with warm water with added drops of lavender oil, to keep them warm and smooth
    should wash with warm water and soap to remove all debris; but do not ripe off anymore, it should be gradually
    then, rinse well, pat dry well
    apply tripple ointment you find over the counter twice dailly
    while 4 or 5 times daily apply aloe vera gel (you find over the counter)
    do cover the ripped area with sterile gause until betterment and each time you put medication

    Take paracetamol or ibuprofen for the pain.

    Hope this helps. Looking forward to have the requested photo. Do write me back if you have any other concern.


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