Is it safe to some cellites in empsant salt for the infection dranning or should I leave it rapped


Hi I got a huge blister on my left leg due to cellites I was hospitalized for thirty day do I need to keep it rapped or let it air out as mush as possible  thanks

Answers ( 2 )


    Hi can I soak cellite in empsant salt and should I leave it rapped or let it air out it is draining really bad

  1. Hello my dear,

    Can you please send a photo of the affected area with cellulitis.
    Plus I need to know what your doctor advised after getting hospitalized? And did you cover it all this while?
    Are you taking any oral antibiotic or other prescription med?

    I need all these information to give a more precise answer.
    Looking forward to have the requested photo and details.

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