I have a fasting blood sugar of 96, but I weigh 230lbs
I have a fasting blood sugar of 96, but I weigh 230lbs. Should I worry about diabetes?
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Answer ( 1 )
I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concerns.
Having blood sugar levels of 96 mg/dL is perfectly within normal range.
However, with regards to your actual weight of 230 lbs (around 105 kg), that is considered obesity.
I’m sure your BMI is really high, so immediate measures should be taken to reduce your weight.
The very first thing is to cut foods and calories you take daily.
Be more physically active. Start walking or jogging after each meals.
Increase water intake, especially when eating.
Don’t skip meals. Instead have small portions meal although frequently.
Let me know if you have further questions.