Normal blood sugar level after eating 140


normal blood sugar level after eating, according to the charts is <140.

Is this immediately after, one hour, two hours, or how long?w ?

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Hi,

    I understand that you are asking about blood sugar level after eating also called postprandial (PP) blood sugar level.
    It is the blood sugar level two hours after eating a normal meal.
    It’s true that PP level <140 is normal but its normal level varies with age and if a person is already diagnosed with diabetes or not.
    So if a person is >60 years old or diagnosed with diabetes the level of PP 140-180mg/dl is almost normal.
    Anyway i recommend having another two tests if you have not done them already:
    1. The fasting blood sugar level and,
    2. HBA1c test which is the average blood sugar levels of three months.
    These tests are recommended to be done every six months.
    You should pay attention to the symptoms of diabetes,also to the lifestyle and diet.

    Hope it helped!


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