Spike after food-type 2 diabetic for 10 years


Krishna kant. Age 45 ht 6 ft. I a type 2 diabetic for 10 years. I am on lantus solo star for 5 years now.

Other than glimpiride 4 mg and morning + evening sitagliptin &metaformin 50/ 1000. Lantus had been 20 to 40 units every day. Till 1 month back , I was with 20 lantus. All oka
Suddenly I noticed morning is increasing to 170 day by day.

I increased lantus to 40. Morning came down to 90. After 1 week , I noticed heavy head from 12 till 8 pm. When checked reading is 300 to 380.

Doctor asked to split lantus 20 night and 20 morning. Now between 3 to 8 it is 300 plus.

Morning is still 90 or 100. I am ob great food fruits , raw veg . Only one fresh cook meals in lunch. What is this problem . I M miles away from home.

Not too many good doctors here. Pl help

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Hello Krisna Kant,

    I just received your email and have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concern.

    You are reporting to have high blood sugar reading from 3 to 8 pm every day, ranging 300 to 380 mg/dL. While you are saying that your morning blood glucose is within normal range up to 100 mg/dL.

    It seems that although you are following a good diet and taking the adequate medications, you are still having problems with random blood sugar especially after lunch. We should stop here and understand why is this happening:
    – I did not understand well when you are using glimipiride, but, to me, you should add before lunch time, and dinner.
    – sitagliptin &metaformin 50/ 1000 continue taking morning and evening
    – have some walking after lunch
    – have frequent meals, not overloaded especially at lunch time
    – please check your blood pressure, record the results and pass them to me to analyze if any change
    – use more diabetic herbs like cinnamon tea, can use fenugreek or bitter melon which can help reduce blood sugar

    Make these changes and then, let me know. Do not forget to send the results of your blood pressure (bp) monitoring to me.
    Let me know if you need any other assistance.

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